Human Anatomy and Physiology
Integration & Regulation
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Science Curriculum Standards
3251 - Human Anatomy and Physiology Internet Resources
- A Piece of Your Mind: The Brain - Lesson plan on the brain and spinal cord, includes print-outs.
- Brain and Nervous System - All about the brain and the anatomy of the nervous system.
- Brain Map - Interactive diagram of the brain. Click on an area of a map to learn the function of that part of the brain.
- Diagram of the Brain Activity - Label the diagram of the brain.
- Divisions of the Brain - Tables that show how the brain can be divided.
- Lesson: The Brain and Nervous System - Lesson plan identifying the major structures of the nervous system.
- Lobes of the Brain - Description and interactive activities.
- Matching Quiz: The Brain - Interactive quiz. Click on the question and then click on the word that answers the question.
- Spinal Anatomy - Overview of the anatomy and functions of the spinal cord.
- Spinal Cord - Explanation of the spinal cord segments. Includes some interactive activities towards the bottom.
- Spinal Cord Structure - From Wikipedia.
- Spinal Structures - Detailed descriptions of the motor structures, levels, pathways and more.
- The Brain and Nerves - Interactive game that provides a lesson and exercise.
- The Brain and Spinal Cord - Interactive lesson with animations.
- The Central Nervous System - Lesson with chapter outline and diagrams.
- The Human Brain Fly-Through - Interactive animation labeling the various parts of the brain as it "flies through" each area.
- The Nervous System: Brain, Spinal Cord and Nerves - Interactive lesson with quiz.
- Cranial Nerves - Diagram and chart describing the cranial nerves and their location. Includes mnemonics, tests and an interactive word search puzzle.
- Cranial Nerves Animation - Animated lifelike pictures with a narrative explanation of what is occurring. Student can listen to the information or read it without audio.
- Description of Cranial Nerves - Interactive animation.
- Diagram of a Neuron - Label the diagram of the neuron.
- Function of a Neuromuscular Junction Activities: Animation and Quiz 1, Animation and Quiz 2 and Animation and Quiz 3.
- Gallery of Neurons - Click on a picture to get a description of that particular neuron.
- Lesson: Human Nervous System - Objectives include identifying subdivisions of the nervous system; body functions; and classes of organs and tissues that involve the major subdivisions of the nervous system.
- Lesson: Nervous System - 19 objectives in this lesson; learn about the major functions and structures of the human nervous system.
- Neural Crossword Puzzle - Print out the puzzle and then read the clues to fill in the blanks. Answers are available by clicking the link on the page.
- Neuroglia - Types of neuroglia. Lesson of the various types with a quiz at the end of the chapter.
- Neuro-Jeopardy - Available in English and Spanish.
- Neuromuscular Junction - Scroll down towards bottom for information on the neuromuscular junction and its function.
- Neuron Structure Activity - Label the structure to identify the parts of a neuron. Self checking.
- Neuron Vocabulary - Interactive vocabulary game for neurons.
- Nervous System Vocabulary - Interactive vocabulary game for the nervous system.
- Parts of a Neuron - Quiz yourself on the various parts of a neuron.
- Interactive Quizzes on the Nervous System:Quiz #1, Quiz #2 and Quiz #3. For each quiz click on the question and then click on the word that answers the question.
- Quiz on Neurons - Interactive quiz on the neurons of the nervous system. Click on the question and then click on the word that answers the question.
- The Brain and Nerves - Interactive lesson and game exercise.
- Electrochemical Transmission of Neuron Impulses - Explains the transmission of information along neurons and how its eletrochemical in nature.
- Nerve Signaling - Description and interactive animation detailing how an electrical impulse travels through a nerve cell.
- Neurons and Electrical Impulses - Step-by-step description with animations explaining the action potential and how it works to conduct an impulse.
- Neuron Function and Confuction of Impulses - Powerpoint slides on the resting and local membrane potentials.
- Sequence of Cardiac Electrical Activation - Describes the pathway with diagrams included.
- The Pathway of Nerve Impulses - Description and diagram mapping out the pathway.
- Actional Potential - From Wikipedia.
- Biological Neuron Model - From Wikipedia. Explains several models as well as expanded neuron models.
- Generating Action Potential - A step through narration and tutorial of simulating a neuron.
- Membrane Potential - Notes on how membrane potential is created and the factors contributing to it, including some equation models.
- Triggering Action Potential - A detailed explanation with diagrams and graphs on how a membrane potential can depolarize to trigger action potential.
- All Five - Lesson in using all 5 senses as the same time.
- Human Sense Organs - Descriptions of the 5 senses with diagrams of each.
- Five Senses - Lesson plan to assist students in understanding the senses.
- Our Senses - Module with numerous lessons and activities.
- Structure and Functions - Describes the sensory and balance organs.
- The World Through Our Senses - Scroll down to Chapter 1 to find detailed diagrams and explanations of each of the 5 senses.
- We Need Five Senses - Lesson engaging students in an activity to identify substances by using their five senses.
- A Body Basics Article: Endocrine System - Great article outlining the details of the endocrine system and how it's instrumental in so many bodily functions.
- Anatomy of the Endocrine System - From eMedicineHealth.
- Endocrine Organs and Secreted Hormones - From Wikipedia.
- Endocrine System - Roll mouse over various points of the diagram to learn more about the major organs.
- Endocrine System Organs - Main organs and their functions.
- Endocrine System Overview - Describes the major organs that make up the endocrine system other hormone-producing tissues and organs involved.
- Endocrine System Review - Lesson with activities.
- Interactive Diagram of Endocrine System - Label the parts of the endocrine system.
- Major Organs of the Endocrine System - A list and discussion of the major organs.
- Detailed Outline for Lecture - Teacher's detailed notes outlining the entire endocrine system and everything it is comprised
- Endocrine System - Explains how the endocrine system uses chemicals [hormones] to "communicate".
- Endocrine Organs and Secreted Hormones - From Wikipedia.
- Functions of the Endocrine System - Describes hormones and their chemical classifications and actions.
- Hormones and the Endocrine System - Objective is to know the biological functions of the endocrine system and be able to list the components of the endocrine system.
- Lesson on the Endocrine System - Types of hormones and how they work in tissues. Also provides examples.
- Lesson Plan: Skills for Health Living - Objective is for students to explain the endocrine system and the functions and common disorders associated with it.
- Mechanisms of Hormonal Regulation - Powerpoint detailing the characteristics and regulation of hormone release.
- Quiz: Endocrine System - 10 multiple choice questions. Self checking.
- Quiz: Functional Organization of the Endocrine System - 40 multiple choice questions. Self checking.
- Assess the State of Health of Your Pancreas - Tests and interpretations. Scroll towards bottom for several examples of graphs with test results.
- Blood Sugar Chart - Helpful chart, graphs and calculator for gauging blood sugar level.
- C-Peptide Test - Interpreting the results. Diabetes case study.
- Fasting Plasma Glucose Test - Understanding the results for this test used to diagnose diabetes.
- How to Interpret Blood Glucose Levels - Step by step instructions on how to reading and interpreting blood glucose levels.
- Interpret and Understand Blood Test Results - Reviews the most common tests and summarizes what the results mean.
- Pancreas Function Analysis Report - Sample test results and what they mean.
- Case Study Lesson - 10 example case scenarios presented with questions for the students to answer as they determine the diagnosis and/or prognosis.
- Case Study on Epilepsy - Numerous case studies with questions the students should be asking themselves as they analyze the situation. Answers provided for each.
- Sample Case Analysis: Huntington's Disease - Provides a case and then analyzes the information to form a diagnosis and prognosis.
- The Case of the Sweaty Salesman - Clinical application with 7 questions.
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